• Raising up a new generation of men who are radically submitted to King Jesus.

In a world that produces men who are toxic, passive, or absent, we exist to produce men who are godly.


  • Fellowship Over a Meal

    Every Thursday we start our time by fellowshipping over dinner with our Forge brothers. Fellowshipping over a meal is extremely important to building community and creating a sense of belonging for those who are in the body of Christ.

  • Expository Teaching of God's Word

    At Forge, we do expository teachings through entire books of the Bible. We never skip a verse. Every week, we start with a scripture reading of the entire passage. We then dissect every single verse and we always end with applications on how to live out the Word of God in our daily context.

  • Prayer and Confession

    True heart transformation happens through prayer and confession. We end our time every week by breaking out into groups, sharing prayer and praises, and praying over one another.

  • “Forge has changed my life and has helped shape me into the spiritual leader I am today to my wife and kids.”

    Carson Ward, Forge Alum


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